Drama Unfolds in Yul Edochie’s Circle
Sheila, a cousin of the renowned actor Yul Edochie, has triggered reactions by publicly distancing herself from discussions involving the actor and warning against being tagged in any posts regarding him.
Actor Yul Edochie’s Recent Controversy
The actor made headlines recently after accusing his first wife of undergoing surgery without his knowledge and alleging her involvement with a married man.
Sheila’s Fiery Reaction
Sheila, in a bold statement, expressed weariness on behalf of the entire Edochie family regarding Yul. She emphasized her focus on supporting May Edochie’s endeavors and urged people to divert energy into promoting May’s brand instead.
A Strong Public Declaration
In her statement, Sheila sternly instructed people not to involve her in any discussions related to Yul Edochie, urging them to concentrate on boosting May Edochie’s brand, reposting her work, and offering prayers for her success.